1. Proof of Ownership or Long Term Consumer (Any of the following).

a. Deed of Sale /Proof of Purchase.

b. Inheritance Certificate.

c. Waiver of rights from previuos owner (Witnessed by Barangay Chairman or Representative).

d. Certification as Long Time Consumer for Dead or Missing Member Consumer(Witnessed by Barangay Chairman or Representative).

2. Photocopy of Residence Certificate (CEDULA) or Any Valid Id.

3. Picture 1x1 - 2pcs. each (husband and wife).

4. Certificate of No Accountability of Electric Bill (MOELCI-II Finance Department for Ozamiz City and MOELCI-II Sub-Office for SUb-Offices)

5. Change Contract Fee - Php 20.00 (Exclusive of Tax).

6. Membership fee - Php 5.00 .

7. Signed Membership Form.

8. Signed Contract Form.

9. Attedance of Orientation Seminat (9:00AM).

Note: The new owner of said building must be the one to apply for change contract.
